McBusted Most Excellent Adventure Tour (MEAT) 5/04/15

Hey all!

So today I thought I would speak to you all about my 3rd McBusted encounter.
So my first McBusted show was on April 25th 2014, and it was one of the best nights of my life - to put it short, I felt like I was 10 again listening to them on my CD player. It was great, and the 2nd time was July 6th 2014 at British Summer Time, when they headlined in Hyde Park, where I also saw so many other rad bands like Hollywood Ending, Backstreet Boys, The Vamps and Wheatus. All of which were so freaking awesome live, and the overall day was amazing. 

So on Sunday 5th April, like any other normal ish day I woke up and got the train to London with my sister and my mum(we got the tickets for her this year as she couldn't come last year) and had a nice meal and then went and saw the supporting acts, which were Symmetry and New City Kings, who were both fab and i'm now going to see Symmetry with my bestie on May 4th(STAR WARS DAY WOO).

 I was also extremely lucky, that I managed to meet Chris Bourne, from Hollywood Ending - which happens to be one of my favourite bands, and also James Bourne's brother. He was extremely lovely and me and my sister got a photo with him each. (below) and then after the show I tweeted him on my personal account (if you wanted to follow its @laurenyh_) and told me he loved me *sassy hand emoji*

However I can happily say no concert can ever live up to the fucking awesome McBusted ones, as their atmosphere and the show they put on is definitely a crowd pleaser - and for as long as I have enough money I will continue to go to as many London dates - as they're rad. I loved every minute and so did my mum and sister. so below are a few photos of the night, but I didnt want to include too many - seeing as I have over 200 collectively with the rest of my family. If you ever get the chance and you are a fan of Mcfly and Busted... JUST GO. DO IT. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT EVER.
It is a night I will never forget, so McBusted - thankyou.

'Big things, often have small beginnings.'

love you all, as always.
Lauren xo.


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